Glory of Love?

My colleague asked me today about Ashit and my plans for Valentine’s day so while I had not really thought about the plans and considering it being the long weekend, all the more reason for us to have decided on some rendez-vous. But then, my colleague and I got into talking about how things seem different now that we are no longer in School and that we have passed the ‘age’ to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Having said that, it made me wonder whether I had really overcome that phase. On the contrary, I think that gnawing sense of expression still exists and frankly I do look forward to it. Not in a manner that can boost our existing economy or by having to shower/being showered by, my husband with flowers but in a way that it becomes a day filled with fun and laughter – aside from the routine existence of being. While it is true that we do not really need such a day to make us realize and value relationships (would not even want to dwell into the history of this day as theories galore on this one), on the other hand, it infact reinforces those pangs of love, happiness and color on moments and times not only shared with our husbands/wives but also siblings, friends, parents. I remember my sister and I would give each other Valentine’s Day cards or wish each other over phone…sounds cheesy? Actually it was cute. On the contrary, when we would do the same to our brother, that poor bugger would have his own sweet way of rubbing off such sentimental gestures aside (not anymore, thanks to his wifey!). At the same time, I do remember those days of endless crushes and the likelihood of receiving 'surprises' from 'annonymous' admirers!

Fast forward to current times and I realize that Valentine’s Day is great if you are newly in love/puppy love or then the most popular kid in School. For the rest of us, we are by now programmed to plan this day with our beloved ones, go out, dance to the concept of gifting, and basically do something that might not be done on any other day for that matter. Now that is something that, in hindsight, I hope to have already overcome – programmed! Sounds like a matrix indeed! Surf the internet and there are countless pop-ups on ‘How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day’, ‘How to top the previous year’s Valentine’s Day’, ‘What is IN and What is NOT this Valentine’s Day’, ‘Top 10 Valentine’s Day Gifts of the Year’ and the list is limitless! Restaurants provide a special Valentine menu on this day so the chances of a-la-carte are minimal unless it is the never-disappointing chipotle. Flowers are triply priced! There are even ‘Valentine Resolutions’ somewhere out there! I would not want to revolt the way this day has been marketed and considered a money-minting gimmick. Infact, that holds true for so many other days - Friendship Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, even Doctor's Day and there is also something called Best Friends' Day - no that's different from Friendship's Day. So why blame poor Hallmark that went back in time to dig out who St. Valentines was? Infact, considering the recent times, I found the 'macroeconomic' analysis of this day by NY Times extremely intriguing!

To me, this day is simply a few seconds of making near and dear ones feel special - if not all days atleast one? - and indulging in the fact that despite it all, Love truly exists in us and around us! This is my theory...what would be yours?