Whats up 2010?

Yet another one of those times that have made me a slacker at blogging. Several of my recent posts have mentioned how there haven't been many posts and that it will be different from now on, etc. etc. Yes, I do love to write and yes there are some interesting (and not-so interesting) moments that I could keep blogging about but Shakespeare never did that either so I guess I can be excused on my own blog (j).

What indeed made me add a post today of all days was when I read the eternal question in one of those forward emails (grrr) - What is your resolution for the coming year? 'Writing' was what popped out of my head and then the brain started churning out all that I 'should do' in 2010. Now, should I put that on google docs, pages or better still, make a spreadsheet of 'dos and donts'? The newspapers talk of most common resolutions - go to the gym (not going to happen), quit smoking (old habits die hard), be more spiritual (ahem!)....so what would it be then, I wonder.

While the world rings in the new year, with Sydney already in 2010, I am reminded of what C&H a lot right now and their thought-process totally echoes what I would like to do at this point.

So here's the C&H way of wishing all of you a 2010 that is filled with contentment, safety, laughter, courage and acceptance -