Think Outside the Bun

Its been a while since I blogged and did not think that after this break, an entity like Taco Bell would indeed make me pen down my thoughts! So what got me to do so was during last night’s indulgence of TB’s classic Mexican pizza when I read its catchline - Think Outside the Bun!

What a cliché, I thought at first glance – I mean, seriously, what’s the big deal about thinking outside of the bun (For one, there would be no Mexican Pizzas to relish!)? I have heard it ever so often – think outside the box; think different; think big – so this play of words seemed just another sort of well-advertised substitute. Although an age-old creativity slogan, in hindsight, I did like this caption - a clever way to inform people to go beyond the bun and try something different. But more than that, fostering the very concept to think beyond limits no matter how commercial it may sound.

It's easy to get sucked into our daily burger lifestyle and those buns that we live for. We do things in a certain manner because ‘that’s how they are done’; or ‘someone else has been doing it and hence we ought to continue that’ or ‘I was told to do it’. Often, it also feels like we are so ‘stuck inside the box’ that there is hardly any room to ‘think outside of it’. I mean, realistically speaking, even if I wanted to think outside of what I do, it requires quite a bit of effort – mentally and otherwise. Who wants to move out of that comfort zone? On the other hand, that’s where the challenge usually lies – being constantly aware of thinking and doing things beyond the norm even if it means starting with the mundane tasks. It is not about breaking away from the traditions but to question the very assumptions on which such traditional practices lie and to see if that can be altered. Of course, this requires understanding the fundamental principle behind the box i.e. what is inside the box , whether there is a need to go beyond and so on. After all, only once did Neo understand the Matrix in its totality did he gain control over it in order to come out of it/fight it.

While this is an issue left to individual decision-making and thought-process, this short video by Joseph Pelling provides a humorous illustration, that kinda goes 'outside the box' - literally!!

Enjoy -

outside the box from joseph Pelling on Vimeo.