Women Beings

"Women are never stronger than when they arm themselves with their weaknesses"
- Madame Marie du Deffand

Two pieces of news (that I came across this week) exemplify this quote and proudly, I support them.

1. There is a good chance you must have already viewed this video thanks to facebook/twitter/other sources of networking/media. Susan Boyle, a Scottish from West Lothian ("a collection of ....... villages" she terms it) is taking part in Britians Got Talent 2009 and clearly, she is beyond this show. First glimpse of her and she must have already got dismissed right before she even starting displaying her talent. But that did not, for once, dither her from giving one of the finest performances ever experienced by any audience in a 'reality talent hunt'.

Here's the video, if you haven't already seen it.

2. The second piece is rather appalling and boils me (sure others too) to even fathom the extent of ridicule and authority the men of Afghanistan must have had in passing a new law that:
- forbids women to leave their homes except for emergencies (To me, even getting groceries is an emergency - how do they define it?);
- forbid women to work or receive education without their husband's permission (Insane!)
- takes away custody from the mothers' right to their children incase of divorce (and create more monsters like them?);
- disallow women to own land of house from their husbands (I'd totally support this 'the other way around' which will happen one day);
- Allow rape of wives by the husband i.e. women cannot refuse sexual relations when the husband demands unless she is sick (such husbands should be hanged, period.).

The women of Afghanistan opposed this law and continue to do so here.

I realize that a lot of the above happen in different countries, different cultures. With all due respect to each culture, I personally believe that any act that:
(a) does not take into consideration respect for an individual;
(b) takes away the right to live with equality; and most importantly
(c) treats women as if they were pawns of a chess board which you pick and move and throw as you please;
needs to be condemned for sure but more than that, punished with utmost severity.

I am not a feminist but by default those genes reside in me. It is a shame indeed, that the very ideologies our predecessors fought for - equality, justice, freedom - do not apply to women. Like I said earlier, such instances happen in different cultures too, some personally known to me. I wait for the day when I can expose these people and it would be a way of doing my bit to fight for this cause.

Susan Boyle, kudos to you for standing up to that crowd who might have initially mocked at you but you truly shut them off!

To the women of Afghanistan and also to those who do face such situations, I pray for your fight, and your cause to win over such

To the women beings -
Citius Altius Fortius

(Swifter, Higher, Stronger)