Take a Pause

Every morning, my daily commute is a mix of rush hour traffic to the metro, delayed schedules and overcrowded trains. While the body is fighting the morning blues and attempting every bit to stand/sit amidst the commuters, the mind is always rushing through those thousand and one things pending on the 'to-do' list outside work and at work. Hence no surprise that the moment you get off at the metro, it is all about getting on with those tasks asap. 

However there are some mornings, when there ought to be a slight detour. Like one of these marked by a group of musicians – with their instruments tuned to hit the soul at the right spot. It was more meaningful – a unique vibe, an uplifting sound, the kind of music to spring up the morning vibrantly. 

They were there to welcome us morning commuters with their tune - a tune that connected us by their chords. When leaving some cash in their case, a sense of joy was felt; it gave a different perspective to this morning; and a feeling of gratitude prevailed. 

I call it - Take a Pause.