Its Springtime!

Apparently, yesterday – March 20 – was the first day of Spring! While I was keen on witnessing a good snowfall around the area (no hard feelings to those surviving the snow in bitter conditions), it is nice to see a change in the air. Birds are chirping, one gets to see kids out in the open and the buds are beginning to bloom. After nearly four months of cold and long nights, Spring is here to bring sunlight and longer days. There is also some pleasant rain that brings in fresh air to the surroundings. A major attraction I cannot wait to see are the Cherry Blossoms too! Some symbolize Spring to beginning of life and hope; a bit clichéd I guess but it sure does bring in colour, hope and for a change, we can now open up our windows and let the cool breeze set in. It is time for heavy clothes to be stacked away (for a while) and thankfully, that feels lighter to the body too.

Coming from Mumbai, one is exposed to ideally three kinds of weather – Summer (cruel), Monsoon (personal favourite) and Winter (do we have one?). The concept of Spring was thus alien and in a way, an intriguing experience. One witnesses garage sales, barbecue parties and shorter clothes. Youngsters on skateboards and rollerblades, convertibles rolled down, Easter eggs and of course, Daylight Saving Time. I hope life gets better with the caress of this season.